Roberts Terrace Donors This file lists the many generous people who donated money or artwork to fund the construction of Roberts Terrace at the visitors shelter. FRBSRobertsTerracedonations903.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
Buckthorn Management Methods in Roberts Bird Sanctuary This presentation by Brian Crotteau (MPRB Volunteer of the Year in 2017) was made to the Pesticide Advisory Committee on February 20, 2020. BuckthornManagementMPRBPACFeb2020.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [3.7 MB]
Flooding and Climate Change Impacts to the Sanctuary This file contains a summary from the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board staff of a meeting with Friends of Roberts in October 2019, and additional information provided in November 2019. Meeting with Friends of RobertsA.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [96.2 KB]
Trees for the Future This file is the handout from the guided walk, Climate Change & the Canopy in the Sanctuary, led by Douglas Owens-Pike on June 22, 2019. Trees for Our Future RBS.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [126.2 KB]
Bird Habitat Assessment Report and Recommendations for the T. S. Roberts Bird Sanctuary (February 2016) Dr. David Zumeta drafted this report as a consultant to the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board for the Roberts Capital Improvements Project. roberts_mtg1_draft_habitat_assessment_re[...] Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Friends of Roberts Bird Sanctuary Comments on Draft Master Plan for Lake Harriet & Bde Maka Ska This letter provides feedback from the Friends of Roberts Bird Sanctuary [FRBS], along with requested changes to the Lakes’ Master Plan. FRBS_LakesMasterPlanComments.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [112.6 KB]
"A Tale of two Siblings" by Sue Leaf, biographer of Thomas Sadler Roberts "Genteel to a fault, the siblings would, nonetheless, step outside expected norms of behavior in their search for beauty and the ways to convey this appreciation to others." LeafTaleof2Siblingsv63i06p236-245.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
Roberts Bird Sanctuary Management Plan Appendix This compilation of historical documents related to the Sanctuary is an Appendix to the 10-year Management Plan (2011-2020). roberts_mgmt_plan_appendix1.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [13.3 MB]
"Through the Lens of Pioneers" Minnesota Conservation Volunteer Article (2005) "Roberts in many ways typified the day's wildlife photographer. He was a dedicated amateur with an interest in the craft intensified by his passion for birds and natural history." MCV_MAGAZINE_Through_the_Lens_of_Pioneer[...] Adobe Acrobat document [5.8 MB]
Statement in Minnesota Conservation Volunteer about Dr. Roberts' death "Inspired by his example, thousands of Minnesotans have turned to the study and enjoyment of natural history, which has lead inevitably to a heightened concern about the conservation of nature in a broad sense." MCV_MAGAZINE_Thomas_Sadler_Robers_1858_1[...] Adobe Acrobat document [652.6 KB]
Biography of Dr. Roberts by W. J. Bregkenridge and William Kilgore Published in The Auk, Vol. 63, 1946 TSRObituary.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [575.8 KB]
Personalities in Conservation: Thomas Sadler Roberts, "Minnesota's Bird Man" by Ken Morrison, Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, October 1942.